Submit a Proposal
The organizers invite proposals on any aspect or interpretation of the conference theme in the following formats:
Scholarly Presentations: Proposals for 15 minute scholarly presentations should be no more than 300 words in length and are due 1/30/23. Your 300 word research proposal should have an original title, explain the research question you are examining, and provide a brief description of your research findings. Notifications of acceptance will be delivered to prospective applicants via email in mid-February. The following proposal form will ask for your name, email address, your presentation’s title, and your 300 word proposal text. SUBMIT PROPOSAL.
Creative Writing: Poets and authors of flash fiction who wish to do 15 minute public readings should submit a brief statement proposal of no more than 300 words and upload a writing sample composed of three poems or three flash fictions by 1/30/23. Your 300 word creative writing proposal should explain what your flash fiction or poems are about, and what themes or questions you explore in your work. Notifications of acceptance will be delivered to prospective applicants via email in mid-February. The following proposal form will ask for your name, email address, presentation’s title, 300 word proposal text, and allow you to upload your literary sample. SUBMIT PROPOSAL.
Art: Artists working in media other than writing (such as digital art, painting, film, etc.) who want to present their work through a 15-minute artist talk should submit a 300-word proposal and 1-3 samples of their work by 1/30/23. Your 300 word design / studio artist talk proposal should briefly describe your creative practice, concepts, process, and outcomes and how they relate to the conference theme. Notifications of acceptance will be delivered to prospective applicants via email in mid-February. The following proposal form will ask for your name, email address, your presentation’s title, your 300 word proposal text, and a link to a fileshare containing your samples. SUBMIT PROPOSAL.
If you have questions about the proposal process or conference please reach out to Christopher Conway at conway [-at-]